Introduction to Webfocus Info Assist

Information builders has provided the Non- Information Technology user the ability to create comprehensive reports with dynamic capabilities like that of a programmer.  I will say that the Info Assist GUI is quite user friendly and is similar to that of Microsoft Excel in terms of the layout of the GUI and its Menu (Ribbon) options.  After attending an in house training on Info Assist with information builders I was well equipped with the basics of its functionality. The painter is as simple as drag and drop so it made childs play of bringing data into the painter and understanding the layout of the data in the reporting objects.  I found that the help option was very informative while getting acclimated with all the new features.  I now understand what our instructor meant when she said GET INTIMATE WITH YOUR DATA!  oh data.

Top 10 Business Analysis trends

  1. Business Architecture
  2. BA and Cloud computing
  3. Requirements Management development: Delivering smart business perspectives
  4. Business process modeling notation
  5. Agile success
  6. BAs recognized as critical to change management
  7. Centers of excellence
  8. BA is essential to regaining market share
  9. BA continues to struggle to define itself
  10. Better balanced competencies: Soft skills and technical skills

The Best of Both Worlds

Today most business intelligence analysts are caught between two worlds: Business operations and Information technology.  This can be a great place to live with the growth of the information technology industry helping to make business more effective and efficient, and business operations who want to leverage technology to improve business results but do not have the technological know how.  Business intelligence analysts much be skilled in both IT and business administration and be able to communicate across departments decoding and translating information so that the recipient can understand it.  Most business intelligence analysts should be trained in project management understanding how to take a project through the life cycle.

To me the business intelligence analyst is much like a quarterback in football, see you have to understand every position on the field in order to be successful at your job.

One chance at a first impression

Hello world!

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share with you my thoughts and ideas.  You may have stumbled upon this blog by accident or maybe the topics which I write about are somehow relavant to your life.  Either way I hope that you can learn from my experiences and I can also learn from you. 

Currently I am the manager of a Business Intelligence and Analysis Dept in a rapidly growing mid size distribution company.  We are the Big players in the industry and it is a constantly flux environment where the need for information is at its peak since the inception of the business. Business intelligence analysis is at the center driving the information that helps keep the company one step ahead of the competition.

All this is to set the expectations and purpose for the subjects and topics of my blog.  Firstly, this blog is to serve as a white board for my thoughts and ideas so that I may work through the problems and situation that I face daily.  Secondly to think through my decisions and research more in depth the things which I am curious about and are relevant to business analysis and business intelligence. And finally to share with others and bounce ideas off other who are looking to grow their knowledge of BI.