IBI Focus/WebFocus Smart Date Quick Reference Guide :
Date Format Separators:
YMD - yy/mm/ddY|M|D - yymmdd
YBMBD - yy mm dd
Y-M-D - yy-mm-dd
Y/M/D - yy/mm/dd etc..
Smart Date Format Components:
YY - 19xx - 20xxY - xx
Q - 1 -> 4
M - 1 -> 12
Mt,tr - Mixed case
JUL - 1 -> 365 (prefixes 2 char Year by default)
D - 1 -> 28-31
W - 1 -> 7 (If used alone, Else MON -> SUN)
w - " Mixed case
Wt,tr - " Mixed case
Internal smart date integer values:
YMD, YYMD, DMY, DMYY, MDY, MDYY, JUL, YYJUL - nbr. Days from the base dateY,YY - nbr. Years " " "
YQ - nbr. Quarters " " "
YM - nbr. Months " " "
Q - nbr. Quarters/Year, add/sub in modulo 4 (ie: 3 + 2 = 1)
M - nbr. Months/Year, add/sub in modulo 12 (ie: 7 + 7 = 2)
D - nbr. Days/Month add/sub in modulo 28-31 (depending on month)
W - nbr. Days/Week, add/sub in modulo 7 (ie: 5 + 5 = 3)
JUL - nbr. Days/Year add/sub in modulo 365-6 (depending on year)
Amper Variable Date Formats:
&DATE - mm/dd/yy&YMD - yymmdd &YYMD - yyyymmdd &DATEYYMD - yyyy/mm/dd
&MDY - mmddyy &MDYY - mmddyyyy &DATEMDYY - mm/dd/yyyy
&DMY - ddmmyy &DMYY - ddmmyyyy &DATEDMYY - dd/mm/yyyy
Smart Date Functions:
DATEADD(smart_date_field, 'unit', add_integer, *result_fldnm*) ;The smart date field must have a day component.
*result_fldnm* is for Modify only.
The add_integer can be + or -, to add or subtract.
The units are: Y, M, D, WD (weekday), or BD (business day).
DATEDIFF(from_date_field, to_date_field, 'unit', *result_fldnm*) ;
Returns an integer value (may be rounded).
DATEMOV(smart_date_field, 'new_point', *result_fldnm*) ;
The new_points are:
BOW, BOM, BOQ, BOY, EOW, EOM, EOQ, EOY, (Begining Of, End Of)
NWD, NBD, PWD, PBD, WD+, BD+, WD-, BD-. (Next, Prior, later, earlier)
DATECVT(smart_date_field, 'input_format', 'output_format', *result_fldnm*) ;
Input is a smart date or literal date(&).
Output is in an old date, or non-date format.
TODAY(tempfield) ; (/A8 for mm/dd/yy, or, /A10 for mm/dd/yyyy)
- The base date is 12/31/1900 (value = 0).
- Smart Dates are stored as I4's internally.
- Invalid or unassigned Smart Date values are zero and display as blanks.
- Missing date components (qtr, mon, day) default to '01'.
- To input a Quarter value use a 'Q' prefix: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.
- To assign a smart date field value using a date &Variable in a (define/compute) expression, the variable (ie. &DATE) must be in quotes to force a date conversion, otherwise Focus will use the integer value.